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New partnership with Marine Discovery Center

When National Science Week announced its 2020 school's theme as Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans, a partnership with the Marine Discovery Centre seemed like an obvious move.

The opportunity to promote marine environment protection along with sustainable use of our ocean resources to families was something we thought was important to do.

So after talking it over, the search for a suitable partner was on.

"We couldn't go past the Marine Discovery Centre for so many reasons," says Science Collective director Alison Fenton.

"Their centre is beautiful, full of hands-on marine science activities designed for kids; they already provide discovery tours on the beachfront and they have huge flexible grounds for us to accomodate science shows and broader exhibits."

The partnership is well placed to pull together its marine contacts, scientists and stakeholders already working in the space, into one big marine festival.

Receiving a grant for National Science Week, plus some local sponsorship for the event gives us the ability to make the festival even better for visiting families.

Microplastics impacts, sustainable fishing, iconic sea life, dune care and corrosion will all feature at the festival along with scientist-guided trail tours, virtual reality marine experiences, a visit from Adelaide’s singing palaeontologist Professor Flint, and a broad range of exhibits.

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